
How to be more inventive with your gift ideas

Uniqueness, as a concept, used to be prized, as it opened up new ways of thinking about important things. In one way, especially when it comes to coming up with gift ideas, many people are steadfastly stuck in their ways. For instance, with boys it tends to always come down to basic gift ideas, such as football, beer (!) or sport of some sort, whereas the stereotype for the girls is always jewellery, clothes and perfume. With the advent of the internet, there is unfortunately no excuse now not to have at least some idea of what constitutes an inventive, cool present that will stand out from the crowd. There are a few websites out there that can combine the fun and uniqueness of a cool, unusual gift with the personal touch of personalisation of the gift too. To get you started however, here are a few good inventive gift ideas to get you started.One thing to do is to take established gift ideas and give them an unusual twist. For instance, everybody uses or needs a calendar, as lives become ever more hectic. So, instead of buying a plain old calendar, get them a personalised one! These come in all sorts of styles, from rock star to footballer, or even just ones with stunning images inside that are given that personal touch. For instance, a picture of the blue sky and clouds is made to spell out the name of whoever is receiving it. In the same ball park are personalised mugs, which also come in a variety of cool and funny styling's, including putting their name on a banner at a football match and, on one exclusive model, being made into air swimmers Sir Alan's Apprentice! These are fun and funky gift ideas that make something normal that extra bit special.Another way to have an inventive gift idea is to get someone something that will raise a laugh due to its quirky nature! Again, there are many different present ideas online that exist to do precisely that. For example, I know for a fact that there are many budding Keith Moons out here who are never given the chance to rc flying fish realise their tub thumping dreams due to the fact they cannot afford, or more likely, they are not allowed, a full drum kit! So, to solve this, be sure to get the Ringo Starr of your family a set of finger drums, which they can then take out their rock 'n' roll fantasies on! This is not the only thing you can do on a table-top either, as if you have not the money or space for a pool table you can get a table-top version of this too, allowing you to shoot some pool almost anywhere.We touched before upon how it is good to seek out gift ideas that are unique, and will be appreciated due to the thought that has gone into them. A couple of great gift ideas along this line of thinking are gift tins. Now, these don't sound much at first, but there are a few different types and each can give different types of truly unique gift ideas. One of the best is the Acre of Moon Land box. This box gives you, as the name suggests, your very own piece of intergalactic real estate! It comes with a deed confirming your ownership, as well as whereabouts on the light side of the moon your acre is. Furthermore, the box contains the Lunar Constitution, as well as details for your mineral rights on your land. Admittedly, unless your second name is Armstrong, you are unlikely to get up there and stick a holiday home on it, but for a truly unique present (and one that your great-great-great grandchildren might be able to cash in on!) it takes some beating!Along the same lines as this, but with a more earthly grounding, you can do something to affect life on this planet, and not out in orbit! A lot of people are fond of polar bears but, due to many factors, the bears are finding their habitat ever-shrinking and their numbers struggling. What you can do to help is adopt a polar bear, which stands out among all the other gift ideas. With your sponsorship, you get a pack detailing all about him (or her), as well as updates on how their bear is rc flying fish doing. You also receive a brilliant gift set, with certificates and a cuddly toy as well as other polar bear goodies.To conclude then, any and all of the above make for inventive and unique presents, and so there is no excuse for giving socks for that present now, is there?!

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